Caveman Coffee Co beans and coffee products are made with sustainable practices recognized by international certification organizations such as UTZ and RFA. in order to preserve the environment and the nutrition of our products we work with farms, growers and roasters that hold these standards and certifications to ensure the entire process is sustainable. Our coffee beans are grown without the use of chemicals, pesticides or unnatural fertilizers. Our coffee is Rain Forest Alliance Certified and follows the Rain Forest Alliance rules and regulations for sustainability.
For more information about the Rainforest Alliance Certification go to the RFA website and learn about the green frog seal!
This is an image taken from one of our partner farms in Colombia. This farm uses no pesticides and traditional farming that preserves the land. In order to have the seal from the Rain Forest Alliance, they have to maintain the land as it would most naturally be. This preserves the precious ecosystem that is a part of our greater world.