Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate to Save the Summer

Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate to Save the Summer

"Cold Brew, Cold Brew, Baby," doesn't quite have the same ring to it.

That Cold Brew. It's so hot right now (not literally; it's cold. like the name says.)!

Sometimes, you just want to cool off with some refreshing iced coffee. The problem with iced coffee is that it's bitter, or it's weak, or it's just not in a sexy package. We are here to CHANGE THE GAME! Our Caveman Cold Brew is still single estate. Here's the breakdown: Caveman Cold Brew comes in the sexiest 22 oz bottle you've ever seen. Trust us. This receptacle is filled with delicious concentrated cold brew coffee, so all you have to do is add water/ice (or frozen water) to your flavor stylings.

What is cold brew? and why is it different than iced coffee? and why do I feel so good after drinking it? Cold Brew is an extraction method that involves cold water over the period of at least 16 hours. We add the cold water to the coffee, instead of the hot, and let it relax for a day. Typically, iced coffee is brewed hot, then either chilled or poured over ice. Here is the great thing about our process: the coffee develops full flavors, and leaves the acidity behind. This will be the smoothest cup of cold coffee you will enjoy. It will literally make you say, "SORIDICULOUSLYDELICIOUS!"

Now that you need Caveman Cold Brew in your life, here are some things that make this even better. Our cold brew, blended with our 100% coconut-derived MCT oil, creates a creamy, caffeinated concoction that gives you a jump start, sustains your energy and tastes amazing. This is dairy-free but tastes like it has cream! Looking for a great pre-workout beverage? Get you some cold brew. After the workout, blend some cold brew concentrate with some MCT and protein, and you got yourself an amazing protein drank. This stuff covers all the bases.

We're sure we've convinced you. Get some right here. Get them GAINZ!

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